Sunday 21 September 2008

Sue Grogan ~ New Year CCTV

New Year CCTV


Superman and Lois Lane

Argue for their future

His new mobile

Pierced by her stiletto

Too many kisses on a text message.


Elvis spews across the pavement

Clutching his blow up guitar

Rhinestones ruined.

A cowboy in a passionate embrace

With a kerbstone,

Wakes sleepy streets

As he slurs his lament

To a flowerpot.


Snow White waits

As Prince charming multitasks –

Scoffing his kebab

Whilst pissing in a doorway.

Two Lieutenant Uhurus

Walk in a straight line

Looking nearly sober

Save their wonky wigs

And smeared make up.

A gorilla hails a cab

Gives it the finger

Then runs when the cop car slows.

Little pixies cling to pushchairs

More stable than their fairy tale folk.

Lois throws her final punch

At Superman.

A dog has his first crap

Of 2008.


Sue Grogan

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